Friday, July 29

Where was I?

Oh yeah, I remember: leaving Brugge. We got to Brussels really easily, but finding our hostel was another story. I had forgotten to write down which HI hostel we were staying in, but I figured there were only 2, so it couldn't be too hard to find! I started questioning that mentality when we got to the first hostel and it wasn't where we had a reservation. Then we walked all the way to the second and found out there was a third. So two hours later (plus getting to see a lot of Brussels) we finally were at the right hostel. Brussels is a cool town... Similar to other European cities we've been to I guess... but not really the same... It's hard to explain.

Once we were at the hostel we took a few hours just relaxing, did some well needed laundry and had a nap. Around supper time we headed out to see (more of) the city. We thought we knew where we wanted to go for supper, but got there and didn't really want to go, so we wandered (as usual) to find a place. The place we ended up was okay food, kind of expensive, but the awesomest couple ever ran it :-)

Along the way somewhere we found the Mannekin Pis, which apparently Brussels is famous for. It didn't really impress me all that much though. It's just a little boy peeing (it's a fountain). And it's not even that big!

Anyways, I had read that at night the town hall has a light show that they show along with classical music. Sounded cool to me, so off we went! It was dusk when we got there, but there were already people sitting in the middle of town square waiting for the show. A huge bustling town square where an hour before there had been people everywhere all crowded watching a dance show of some sort and now people are just strewn everywhere sitting down and chilling everywhere. Very cool atmosphere. As it got darker more and more people were sitting and/or hanging out until the show finally started. I guess it was cool... big old building being lit to music. But I didn't like the music very much so I didn't really get that into it. I liked the atmosphere of the place and just sort of hanging out much more than the actual show itself.

After that we pretty much headed back tot he hostel, played a couple hands of cards and headed to bed. Next morning we were up early and off to the train station. Most of today was spent taking the train from Brussels to Rennes. Don't be upset if you've never heard of it, because I had never heard of it either. We just wanted a place to stay on the way to Spain and this is where we ended up. Turns out it's the least touristy place EVER. For instance, when we asked where we could find a place to use the internet, we were told that most of the places in the city are closed because it's the summer. Seemed kind of backwards to me, but whatever. We're here to spend a couple days relaxing and recouping. We'll probably explore some tomorrow, but mostly just have a nice relaxing couple days. So far the weather here is much nicer than Belgium which was hot and stuffy.

I guess that's all for now! Thanks for comments and emails :-) They make me smile!


At 2:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kaila, Justine showed me the photos today, I especially loved the one of you making a funny face at the pigeon that wss sitting your shoulder in St. Marcos square in Venice. What a great photo! Also the one of you and Graham sound asleep on the ferry with the large Turkish family beside you. Excellent shots. Have fun in Spain... a word of advice. Don't get out of a car in the middle of arid desert like inland areas and run across the land in flip flops to pee or you might almost run into a big spiders (and I mean big) web. Mary

At 1:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kaila. Despite the fact that Justine is home, I'll still be checking back to see what you're up to. As Mary already posted, that photo of you and the pigeon IS great. Your expression is priceless. Justine showed me all her photos yesterday afternoon and there are some wonderful shots. I was impressed that she got so many "people" pictures and not just a lot of buildings with none of you in front of them. Think I'll go check Tim's blog now. Bye.

At 6:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Mai Tai!!!
I read your blog and it makes me miss Europe already! hee hee. It's nice to be home too, though, and I won't even be home for very long! We're leaving in 3 days. Crazinesss.
Rennes sounds like a refreshing break from the touristiness of everywhere else! I hope you're having lots of fun without me & Graham to bother you :P


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