Friday, July 22

Anyone know dutch?


For the first time since I've left Canada, I'm actually using the internet for free!! I don't have a lot to update since yesterday. Germany was... interesting... I can't really say much about it seeing as I really didn't see anything. Tim and I wandered around for a while, but didn't really find anything of interest. I suppose if we had a map we may have been able to find something, but it was raining so we didn't bring our guidebook with us. We did a little bit of shopping and then headed back to the hostel where we called it an early night. This morning we woke up fairly early to catch our 8:45 train to Roosendaal. It was a long, boring day of sitting in trains. We had a stopover in Deventer, but it was only for 10 minutes, so really we saw the train station and barely that. I don't even know where Deventer is for that matter.

Once we arrived in Roosendaal, Graham's relative was waiting for us. I think his name might be Pete, but I don't really remember.... or I'm not sure if he told us. From the train station it's about a 45 minute drive to their house. The house and the family is all so friendly! They've set us up each in our own room with our own beds! Luxury :-) They have 2 kids, that don't speak english, but seem very nice. The girl left us each a bowl of candies in our room :-) They live on an old farm (where Graham's grandfather grew up) but their only farm animal right now is chickens which I guess they only got last week. On top of that though, they have a fish, a cat and 3 kittens and last but certainly not least, a bunny!! It makes me miss Winston!!

I have to say it's SO nice to be here... I'm especially looking forward to a home cooked dinner... mmm.... I think there's a bunch more of Graham's relatives coming over for supper, but none of them speak any English. I'm sure it'll be an adventure :-)

Anyways, that's all to update today. Tomorrow we're off to some more relatives for a night.
Talk to you soon!


At 10:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That sounds awesome. Backpacking in style with all the home cooked meals and bowls of candy. :) You're missing heat wave weather in halifax. I die just about every time i go outside. it's painful.
PS I want a postcard.
5648 victoria rd. apt. 1
halifax ns
B3h 1m8

At 4:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kaila, Bunnies and kittens and good food and your own room, paradise! What wonderful family, because you are really all family! Mary

At 10:58 AM, Blogger Kaila said...

Thought I'd answer some of your questions/comments:

Carolyn - I've definately sent you a postcard, but I don't really remember when Let me know if you don't get it and I'll send another... Or maybe I'll just send another anyways.

Lindsay - The German didn't go too well. Although it has been 2 years since she took any. Tim and I are headed to Spain soon and I'm definately interested to see how my spanish works. I don't think we're going to get back to Germany this summer (It's pretty far from everywhere else we want to go), but starting soon Steph is going to be an au pair there for a year, so I wouldn't be surprised if I end up back there at some point.

I don't have a lot of time right now, I'll post another blog tonight sometime


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