Wednesday, July 6

Leaving the beach

Hello all!

I don't have too much to report today. The last couple days have been extremely laid back. We got to Nice with no problem (it's only about an hour train from St. Raphael) and then, once again hung out by the beach until we were allowed to go to our hostel (5pm). The beaches here are so different from the St. Raphael ones! The beach itself is actually rocks, not sand and the water is the bluest water I've ever seen in my entire life. It's unbelievable. Yesterday the wind was pretty strong, as were the waves. Put that together with the rocks and it made it kind of difficult to get in and out of the water :-P But it was worth it (of course!). I was smarter here and mostly stayed in the shade (the sidewalks above the beach have tons of benches under a canopy type covering).

The hostel here was absolutely amazing. It was a whole little resort with a swimming pool and a 'soccer court' type thing (not grass, but had soccer nets). For the first time since we got here, the girls and guys were separated so poor Graham had to stay in a room with a bunch of people he didn't know. I don't think it was too bad though. Instead of going out and finding our own food, we opted to get served by the hostel. Not too bad, plus we got to talk to some of the other people staying in the hostel. The evening consisted of relaxing, reading, swimming and generally just hanging out. Justine and I talked to a Mexican that just finished an exchange in Austria. He's been travelling around to different places for the last few months, so had lots of advice for us: especially for the greek islands which was greatly appreciated!

Today was another day of rest. We spent the morning by the beach reading (none of us decided to go swimming). For lunch we found a market that was selling fresh fruits and vegetables as well as a collection of other goodies. It was a lot of fun to explore!! :-) This afternoon we decided to get out of the sun and heat by going to a movie. We watched War of the Worlds in english (with french subtitles). The jury's out on it: both Graham and I enjoyed it while Justine didn't at all.

Now we've had supper and are just hanging out for an hour or so before our train for Venice leaves. I'm interested to see what the sleeping arrangements on the train is (I think it might be a dorm type thing) but mostly excited to get to Venice!!

Thanks for the comments! Keep them coming!!


At 7:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi. Just had an email from Justine, so
I thought your blog might be updated. As Mary said, we're all really enjoying reading it here. I'm sure you'll all enjoy Venice. If it's in the budget you should be sure to take a gondola ride. There's also an island nearby called Burano where they make lace and where there are very colorful
homes perfect for picture taking. That might be something to check out.

At 9:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey hey!! I LOVE reading about your trip! So glad that you are being faithful to the updates :) It sounds like you are having the time of your life, i am SOO happy for you. Hey you know my friend Jesse, who's in med school. He has decided to take a trip to Europe too, he lands in London tomorrow. Man everyone I know off on a great adventure...its FANTASTIC! I heard from Nina and she spent the majority of last week at the base of a volcano! Jealous of all my friends....
But super excitied for them all too, obviously!! WEll Enjoy Venice, some one told me that it smelled fill me in on that one!
love you lots!
PS. I have also decided that I LOVE sailing...we will have to go sometime!!! (ocean or lake...I am not picky...hehehe)


At 9:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that anonymous is from kim can't remember ny account password....not a surprise


At 9:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kaila, Heather showed me your blog. It sounds like your having a mavelous time galavanting around europe. I hope the rest of your destinations go as well as the ones I've read about.
Have a good time!


At 1:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Kaila! I'm still super jealous of you as I hang out in Halifax. You sounds so laid back and happy! I hope the rest of your trip goes that way too.

Carolyn :)

At 4:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are really enjoying your adventures! Katie is loving Camp Amigo at her new school, and she says she is going to Europe "when she gets big". Hugs to all.


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