Sunday, July 31

Rennes (still)

Hello hello!

So our time in Rennes has been pretty laid back. Yesterday we didn't really do anything all that interesting. It was just a nice relaxing day. We wandered around looking for a place to buy a tent, but weren't very succesful (we need a tent for the music festival we're going to so we figure we''ll get one now, do some camping and save some money from now until then). We did come across a HUGE Saturday market though and had a wonderful, cheap lunch with lots of fresh fruits and veggies :-) We found out from the tourist office that we have to take a bus to get to a tent/camping store, so we thought we'd do that today instead.

We originally had planned to leave Rennes today for Spain but (also along our wandering) we saw some postcards of beautiful coasts, so we decided that after our day of R&R we would spend another day finding out what there is to see in Brittany (the province of France we're in). So this morning the first stop: getting a tent. We made sure to check that stores were open on Sundays but unfortunately forget to ask if buses were running on Sundays. So we got out to where we were supposed to get the bus (took the metro) and found out we couldn't get to the store. So back to the train station we went and we were off to St. Malo! Neither of had heard of St. Malo before, but when we asked the tourist office how to get to the coast, that's where they headed us. When we got there, it wasn't quite as much nature as I had hoped, but it was certainly on the coast. St. Malo is a city sticking out in the ocean that's completely walled off. We had a nice lunch, wandered the city for a bit (reminded me a little of Avignon, except on the ocean) and walked along the wall for a bit too. After that we were on a mission to find some nature, but before we were successful it started to rain. From where we were back to the train station was a nice tour of the port part of St. Malo with lots of fertilizer, wood and (REALLY) big rocks.

Tomorrow we're headed to San Sebastian in Northern Spain, but the only train we could get is an overnight one to Irun. I have no idea where Irun is, but the women told me it was close to San Sebastian, so we'll just figure it out when we get there. Since it's an overnight train we now have all day tomorrow too, so we're going to try again to get a tent and then see maybe try again to find some nature :-) The train passes are fun because we don't need a reservation for the little trains around here. We're thinking about getting on a random train and just staying on until we see something that might be nice :-) I'll let you know what we find tomorrow :-)

Oh, for those of you who don't also read Tim's blog, the music festival we're going to is called The Lowlands, Paradise 2005 and is somewhere in Holland from August 19-21. I'm not nearly the music fan that Tim is, but some of the bands in it that I've heard of are Incubus, Foo Fighters, K-Os, Buck 65, Bad Religion and Death from Above 1979 and a couple that I haven't heard of that Tim's REALLY excited for are Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds and Coheed & Cambria. If you're interested, the entire line-up is at

Anyways, that's all for now! Now that Justine's home, I'm hoping she'll post her pictures online so that I can show all of you some of what I've seen in the last 6 weeks (Jus: if you're reading this, I hope you can get around to it before you leave for Australia! I would love to see all your pictures)


At 9:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kaila,Sounds like you are a seasoned traveler now, just getting on the train and getting off when you see something you like. Justine has been working on the photos and is posting them on the net for you. Norah and Chris are coming tonight for a Barbeque so you know we will be looking at the photos. Mary

At 9:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha...I think my mother was a little overzealous with the "publish comment" button

anyway, as you wish!! I haven't fully finished posting all of them, but many of my photos are up already and hopefully the rest will be by the end of today :)
go here:

At 3:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kaila

We love reading your log.
I print it off and then Vince and Elizabeth enjoy reading it too!

At 6:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow those pictures are awesome. I don't remember you saying you went to platform 9 and 3/4. That's like the best part! How did you leave it out?


PS I've already finished the 6th book. Way good. :)

At 3:20 PM, Blogger Kaila said...


I'm going to update in a couple minutes, but I thought I'd comment on the comments.

Laura, I think that was you that commented annonymously, but you didn't sign your name :-) I'm glad you figured it out!

Carolyn: I've definately also finished the book :-) That's what long ferries/plans/trains are for! Justine and Graham both bought a copy the day it came out and in less than a week all three of us had finished it. It was great, but now I don't want to have to wait for the next one!

At 3:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still sounds completely awesome! keep having a blast. Pictures were really fun to look at and my favorite by far is the one of you and the pigeon, you HAVE to frame that one, its a classic! haha
Miss ya lots!


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