Monday, August 1



So the day has finally come that I got to see some of the pictures from my trip! I have yet to get my own developed, but Justine has posted some of hers to webshots so I got to see them :-) I figured I would put some of them on here to show you all what I've been up to. If you want to see all of them, the website she posted them to is on the comments from yesterday.

This is in Paris when it was REALLY REALLY hot out, so we took a break from the exploring of the city to stick our feet in the fountain for a while. There were a few guys actually swimming in the fountain! It was hot enough that I might have joined them if I had a little more confidence in the cleanliness of the fountain.

This is on one of the islands in the middle of Paris. I think it's the one that's not Ile de la Cité, but I forget what it's called. Maybe Ille St. Louis? Anyways, this may be where my addiction to French and Italian ice cream began. By the time we left Italy I was having at least one ice cream a day. Mmmm... Ice Cream

This is a view from part way up the Eiffel Tower

Arc de Triomphe. Pretty self-explanatory

This is in a park. I think it's in Avignon. I'm trying to drink the fountain... Well... not really... but I'm trying to make it look like I'm drinking the fountain.

The beach in Nice. Definately the coolest coloured beach I've ever seen! Unfortunately by this point we had just spent 2 days on the beach in St. Raphael and had definately gotten enough sun to last us for a while. But it was nice just sitting on the benches enjoying the view :-) I did go in the water once. It was crazy... rock beach and very strong waves and steep incline makes for hard swimming!
The pidgeon picture that lots of people seem to enjoy so much. Me, I don't know if I'm a fan. Although you can tell pretty easily what I thought of the pidgeons :-P I guess I didn't really hate them; it was cool when they were all crowding around Graham. I just didn't particularly like it landing on my shoulder!

A view of Florence that we got from the town called Fiesole that we went to. I included this one just because I think the clouds are really cool. Like a painting!

Sleeping on the ferry. I hope that's the longest ferry I ever have to go on! 22 hours is WAY too much! Although, I suppose it wouldn't be so bad if we had a bed. Maybe when I'm old and have my own money :-)

What we spent so many hours of ferry rides on for :-) Swimming on the Greek Islands... oh paradise. I definately want to go back to the Greek Islands!

These last two were included more for me :-) I miss my family and of course Ellie!! All Graham's relatives loved looking at all my pictures though! I'm glad I brought them :-) For those of you who have seen my house, look how different it looks! I can't believe it! When I get home it'll look like this AND have renovations done: it won't even feel like home anymore!

Anyways, today was a good day to get the pictures because there isn't too much to report. We spent all day today getting a tent. We had to wait an hour and half for the bus and then got to the store at lunch time and had to wait until 2 for it to open. But now we have a tent and can't wait to start using it! I think it's going to be fun! It'll be really good in Spain, but I don't know if I'll want to camp when we get colder places because I don't have very many warm clothes or even a sleeping bag.

Now we don't really think we have time to get anywhere today before our 8pm train. So we're just hanging out, using the internet and such waiting. We're going to stock up on some food from the supermarket for our overnight train :-)

That's all for now! I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I do!!


At 4:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahah....your parents were over last night and they also loved the pidgeon picture!!
I think we're going over there tonight so I'll get to see the made-over house :) yay

At 9:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kaila!! :)

I'm glad you posted pictures, now I can see what i'm missing here in Havelock! haha :)

I'm sorry I haven't written yet, once I have anything worth saying i'll send an email. Thanks so much for the postcard!! I loooove postcards!

Love you and miss you,

Katie :)


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