So I know it's been almost a month, but my life really isn't all that interesting anymore. But I figured maybe people still check and maybe you want to know what I've been up to anyways :-)
I spend most of my time here in the hostel where during the week it's pretty quiet. It can be boring at times, but most of the time it's nice and relaxing and I get to know the guests that DO come around pretty well. The weekends are a lot more busy and we have to work a lot harder, but it's fun too. The funnest part is when we get to throw parties. I'd never organized a party before I got here, but it can be really fun and satisfying. Not all our parties have had a lot of people here, but the people who ARE here always have fun :-)
Here are a few pictures:

Me and Jasmijn at the Halloween party. My costume was kind of thrown together (basically just a grass skirt) but I was a cannibal (jungle person...) The face definately made the costume (thanks to Jazzy). In case you can't tell, she was a dragon.

Save for 2 or 3 people who had already left at this point, this is the whole Halloween party. Small, yes, but lots of fun! The only 2 guests in the picture (on either side of me and Jasmijn) were a mother and daughter that had been travelling together for like 2 months. I had fun going to New York with my mom, but I don't know if I'd be able to do that! They were fun though!!

Nest Party! Last weekend we had a Tarantino Party (inspired by Gilmore Girls :-P) and it was awesome! I went as Gogo from Kill Bill and it worked out really well. Skirt made from a blanket, vest cut out of a lost and found sweater and shirt borrowed from Renzo and I was set! I even made a ball and chain :-P I know this picture is blurry and sideways, but it's the only one I could find of my whole outfit :-P On the whole the party turned out really well with lots of guests and lots of locals, but I don't have a good group picture. 
Me and Sophie at the party (after I had lost the shirt because I was boiling). I never actually worked here when Sophie did, but she was here when I was a guest (with Tim and Phil) and she's awesome! She came back for 3 nights last weekend.

From left to right: Lio, Sophie, Me, Renzo and Chris behind the bar. I don't know why I look so short.... I don't think I'm this short.
In non-party news, A picture of me snowboarding indoors with pretty much all borrowed gear :-P

A normal day at the hostel. No costumes, no parties, just chilling at the bar a.k.a my living room.
So that's it for hostel news. In other news, I'm looking into getting a French visa to make my search for a job in the Alps a little easier, but I still haven't quite figured out if it's possible. I'm thinking a lot about when I'm leaving and what to do when I leave, but I don't have any answers yet. I might stay here until after Christmas, but at the moment I'm leaning towards leaving at the beginning of December, which is only 3 weeks from now. Scary! I'm done all my med school applications and am now just waiting on responses and stuff.
Last but not least I found out a couple days ago that my thesis work is going to be published :-) I worked on writing it up for publication in May and June before I left for Europe and my supervisor emailed me the other day to say it was accepted by the Journal of Morphology (with a few revisions, which she's taking care of for me) Exciting! I tried to explain my worms to people here and while they think my research is sort of interesting, they don't understand my admiration for the worms! I think they're adorable!! But they think they're gross... just like most other people I imagine :-P Anyways, my supervisor also offered me a job for the summer when I get home if I want. It would be kind of cool not having to look for a job, but I don't know if I'm willing to spend the summer in Wolfville. I'll have to give it some thought.
That's all for now! I hope everyone at home is doing well in whatever they're up to. I'll talk to you soon!!