Wednesday, February 8


So I know there are at least a couple people that have been waiting for me to update and I apologize for taking so long. But here I am finally with lots to say. I had the most amazing 3 days of skiing ever in Switzerland last week. I know that in Nova Scotia you guys finally got your first snowfall (or at least close to it) but for us the first week of February was perfect spring skiing. Despite only getting 2 days off work, I got in pretty much 3 full days of skiing and I don't know if I've ever had such good conditions. It wasn't the perfect light as air powder that I was skiing in when I first got here, but it was above zero every day where I was wearing no hat (just sunglasses), no sweater and was still too hot. It has to be a pretty amazing day when my biggest complaint was that my hands were too hot. I actually had to take my mittens off on every lift up or I would sweat too much. :-P My second day of skiing was the only one that I had a complete day without travelling too or from Les Gets and it was so cool. I started in Les Crosets where I was staying and worked my way all the way down to Torgon. I know none of you have ever heard of any of these places but doing that took me 3 hours and passed through at least 3 other towns (including a 45 minute delay of getting lost in Morgin trying to find the lift to get to the next place :-P). On the way back I got to take a different route through different towns making it a full 6 hour day of skiing and never having to backtrack where I had already been. Although on my way back since it had taken me so long to get to Torgon I was a little rushed and didn't get to enjoy Chatel as much as I would have liked. I'm hoping I might be able to get a full day skiing again before I leave so that I can explore Chatel more.

What else? As I was saying before I was staying in Les Crosets which is one of the tiniest towns I've ever seen. It was basically just a little ski station with a few hotels, ski shops and restaurants. I was staying in a dormitory, but I was the only one in my room, which works out for me! I did meet a few Italians who were super surprised that I was travelling by myself because they said that women in Italy won't even leave their houses alone :-P

What else? As you may have guessed from the first half of my post, I am still in Les Gets and am staying here until I go back to Canada (except maybe a short stopover in Holland to say goodbye to friends). One of the other girls that I used to work with left Friday (which was the reason I only got 2 days off instead of 3) so I moved into her room and am now working full time at the Black Bear. It's fun but can get stressful at times. The other girl I work with, Annie, is leaving for Canada for about a week tomorrow which means instead of just serving, I'll be bartending. So this week I've been in training and while I'm learning quickly there is a LOT to learn and I still have a ways to go! It's incredible watching the other 2 bartend now that I have a better appreciation for how hard it is :-P

So I'm now working about 12 hours a day which doesn't leave much time for anything else, but I did get out skiing for an hour or 2 yesterday and am hoping to be able to get out at least a few times a week. And I forgot my camera in les Crosets, so I'm going to have to find a full day to make it back there and get it, cause it would suck to lose my camera.

I think that's about it. I may have fogotten something but can't think of anything else at the moment. I go home 3 weeks from yesterday and I get more and more excited every day! Not that I'm not enjoying myself here, but 8 months is a long time to be away and I'm super excited to see everyone and get back to my very own bed.

Talk to you soon!


At 3:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Kaila
The tip to Switzerland sounds great. You should try to get lots of skiing in there before you return, maybe even stop working a little early because the skiing here is still not. What fell as snow last week was washed way in the rain on the ekend.

At 7:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kaila. I was reading about a meeting concerning traffic troubles on Allan Street on the online
Chronicle Herald today and thought of you and that I hadn't read your blog in awhile. You're certainly having quite the trip. Hearing about your day skiing from town to town makes me wish I was a skier. Mary, Catherine and Rachel are in N.B. this weekend for some racing for the girls. They'll be back tonight. Justine came home yesterday for the Februaury break. Tom is off to Copenhagen tonight on business. Your mom and dad were over here after their trip to Spain and to see you, so I got to see their "slide" show. There were some great shots of what looked like a great trip. Enjoy the rest of your time away, whatever you decide to do. Kim Sun.,Feb.19


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