Friday, January 20

Plans always change

Hello there again!

So relatively a lot has been happening to me lately. Although now that I think of it not really all that much but it just seems like a big deal to me. My new job is awesome. I love the people I'm working with and I have SO much fun doing it! Who knew it could be so fun to go from table to table taking orders, bringing people drinks etc, etc. But most of the people in our bar are super friendly... I suppose the fact that most of them are on vacation helps. The typical conversation I have with English tourists:

Them: Are you from Canada??
Me: Of course!
Them: Where in Canada?
Me: Halifax
Them: Halifax, Nova Scotia???
Me: Sure is
Them: That's much nicer than Halifax Yorkshire
I've been to Toronto/Vancouver/Montreal once (never Nova Scotia... although one person had been to Chezzecook)

In the 3 nights I've worked I think I've had that exact same conversation at least 10 times. I've only worked 3 nights so far but I'm definately getting the hang of it quickly. I wish I could bartend because the fancy cocktails that they serve look like lots of fun to make :-P My first night was super super busy so it was quite the initiation, but made the other nights seem busy (even if on the slow nights we sell 10 times as much as a busy night at the Pig a.k.a the only other bar I've ever worked at). So things are going well at the Black Bear and they've even mentioned hiring me full time which would be awesome (and lots of money for Kaila!).

In other news, I might not be here as long as originally planned. The family I have been living with has been so incredibly generous welcoming me into their family and letting me live with them without really asking much at all from me and without them I probably wouldn't have been able to experience my dream come true of living in the Alps and being able to ski pretty much whenever I wanted. But my welcome is running out and it's time for me to leave. They are super super busy in February with lots of guests coming and going so having me there is just a hassle that they don't need. All the people I live with are housed in the same place, so I'm going to see if I wouldn't be able to rent a room there (because renting via normal routes in Les Gets is entirely too expensive... tourist prices!). If that doesn't work out I'll likely leave Les Gets at the beginning of February (having had a month and a half of skiing almost every day... and in the Alps no less! :-). I have enough money left over to do a bit of travelling and then would likely head back to Holland and spend my last couple of weeks in Europe back at the Pig. In my opinion not a bad alternative at all!

What else? I made it to Avoriaz for the second time the other day and, as usual, it was awesome. Although making it that close to Switzerland makes me wish I had a pass to go into Switzerland. Maybe next time I'm going for the whole day I'll splurge and get a pass where I can explore the Swiss alps a little (although I wouldn't be able to see the whole Portes Du Soleil in one day... I'll have to spend at least one night overnight to do that).

Any other news? Not that I can think of. Home is drawing ever closer extremely quickly. Starting to think about what I'll be doing for the summer, but haven't come up with any answers yet. There's always Wolfville where I can do research for the summer but I don't know that I want to live in good ol' Wolfvegas for yet another summer. It's been a long time since I've lived in Halifax. We'll see.

Talk to you soon!


At 5:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As long as you keep having a great time, it won't matter where you are.

At 11:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kaila, Sounds wonderful, we have been dreaming about the Alps next Christmas (you will get Christmas vacation as well). No snow here yet but the skiteam has managed to get a lot of snow time between Mt. St. Ann and Amqui, this weekend is going to be a weekend of rest and catching up on homework. looking forward to seeing you , although I am not wishing you home sooner. Much love Mary

At 3:01 PM, Blogger Kaila said...

Who is the annonymous commenter?? I agree with you :-P

At 3:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the black bear sounds like lots of fun, glad you found a job you like so much!
I am also trying to decide what to do this summer...I'm leaning towards trying for kid's swimming instructing. I was thinking of sailing instructing but eh...sailing kids are too wild. And I would have to learn how to drive a motorboat...:S
I hope you enjoy your remaining time in the alps/ europe, and make sure to update lots!


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