Thursday, December 15


Hello, hello!!!

So here I am in, finally in the Alps :-) I arrived on Sunday, where I was picked up by Alain (the father and only male in the family) and Annaelle (16 year old) in Geneva and brought to Les Gets, which I will be calling home for the next 3 months or so. I'm very, very excited and will try to explain what it's like here :-)

I live with a which consists of the 2 aforementioned members, Marielle (mother), Marie (13) and Manon (18 and away at school... who I have yet to meet) They are all super friendly and making my adjustment as easy as possible :-) They are some of the most generous people I have ever met, pretty much making me another member of the family. I don't have any set responsibilities except to be a productive member of the family. I will be helping out with the housework and the kids as much as possible, but considering they are giving me a plce to live and my food, that is not at all a lot to ask. The day I got here, they were already taking me around town, showing me where everything is, trying to find me ski gear and also jobs!! It's awesome. The biggest adjustment for me is probably the food. They eat a LOT differently than I'm used to, so it will take a bit, but I'm trying my hardest. I'm even eating onions (which they seem to like a lot), which says a lot!!

Speaking french is coming along. I think this is probably the best thing I could have done for my french. I'm no where near perfect, but being surrounded by it and having people around that will correct me and help me is great. I can't believe how much I've forgotten in the 5 years since high school!!

The ski season hasn't technically started yet, but I can't wait! The hill was open on Sunday when I arrived and then closed for the week. However, the season REALLY starts on Saturday (when Christmas vacation starts here), so it's not long now!!!!! My parents are sending me most of my ski gear except skis and boots, but they won't be here by Saturday, so Marielle is going to lend me her stuff since she has to work :-) I already bought a pair of boots for 35 euros (about 60 dollars) used from a coworker of Marielle, so now it's just a matter of finding some skis and I'm set to go!! SO exciting!!!

I'm getting my pass tomorrow, which is good for Les Gets, Morzine and Avoriaz. I don't know how much that is, but from the trail maps I've seen it looks like a lot! The area I'm in is called Portes du Soleil and consists of something like 14 villlages (some bigger than others) all connected by chairlifts and gondolas and such and that goes into Switzerland too. I'm not getting a pass for the whole thing because it's twice the price and I probably couldn't make it into Switzerland often enough to make it worth my money, but I'm thinking of taking a little trip at some point there, getting day passes and hopefully staying the night somewhere.

I already have a job working 2 or 3 mornings a week for a woman who has lost the use of her left arm and needs help with housework and ironing and such. I started this morning and I think it's going to work out great!! (the fact that I'm paid about twice as much as I was in Holland helps too :-p) Other than that I think I'm just going to be leaving my name in hotels around town to do some babysitting, which I'm looking forward to :-) All in all, with having a place to live, a fairly cheap ski pass (compared to what I thought I was goign to be paying) and getting these odds and ends of jobs, I'm doing way better for money than I thought I would be, so I'm feeling a little rich at the moment! I may splurge and buy myself some new ski wear because I've seen some very nice stuff here and even though we're in a resort, a lot of it is cheaper (and nicer) than what I can find in Nova Scotia. But I don't know, that may not happen.

Anyways, to summarize this long post, I'm extremely happy, things are working out perfectly, and I can't wait to get skiing!!! The only other thing I would like now is to meet some people my age. Hopefully that will come along with the ski season, and when I become more comfortable here.

Hope all is well in wherever everyone is. Christmas isn't very big in this family, but I'm very much looking forward to it anyways (plus I have a little pile of presents waiting for me :-) I'll post again after I've been skiing some to let everyone know what it's like (and hopefully make them more jealous than they already are :-p)

Talk to you soon!

P.S. Some may remember me saying that just being in the mountains makes me happy this summer when Tim and I went to Chamonix. Well, let me tell you, that happiness increases tenfold when the mountains are covered in snow!! I'll try to get some pictures to post soon, because it's beautiful :-)


At 1:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds good Kaila.
Enjoy the skiing
We have some snow here too.
The boys are out skiing on the back deck and comping at the bit to get out on the hill.
I have been working on the wentworth web cam and should be back up this weekend if you want to see our 300M hill.

At 4:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds like you are enjoying the alps! I'm sure you'll enjoy it even more when skiing starts of course!
I'm home for christmas now...yay no more exams!!

At 5:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas and lots of hugs from your family at Harmony Bay! The best of the season to your temporary family too.


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