Wednesday, August 3

San Sebastian, Part II

So I think I´m going to like camping! Last night was a little cold, but we´re working on that today by investing in a sweater (since I lost mine in Holland) and a blanket hopefully. Other than the coldness though, I´m really li9king how we have our own space and aren´t cramped into a room with 6 other people. It feels almost like a home :-) Plus we get to get a little further out of town. I think I got enough city visiting in in the first month of travel to last me for a while. I still don´t feel completely rested, but a whole lot better than yesterday!

San Sebastian is beautiful. Definately the nicest scenery since we´ve been in Greece. I couldn´t figure out how to describe it, so I went and found a picture on the internet :-) None of the ones I found really do it justice, but here´s the best one:

There´s a mountain on either side of the city. This picture was probably taken from the top of one of them. We spent the morning climbing up and exploring the one that you can see on the left of this picture. It´s sort of San Sebastian´s version of Point Pleasant Park. It had all sorts of forts and stuff all the way up and then at the top there are really gorgeous views off both sides and a chapel/statue type thing. My favorite view was the one of the island (but from the other side).

Since then we´ve basically been wandering the city looking for a blanket and a sweater. We had lunch and came here and are off on our mission again soon. We were going to go to the beach and go swimming, but neither of us want to leave our stuff unattended or go by ourselves, so we´ll probably just end up sticking our feet in the water. It´s not really that hot here anyways. Or, I suppose it sort of is (around 30 degrees) but it´s not at all humid, so it´s really quite pleasant.

Anyways, that´s all for now. I guess we haven´t really done a whole lot since yesterday. Tomorrow we´re going to go a bit west, but not far. Most of the parks/natural places around here aren´t accessible by train, but we think we might be able to get to one of them, plus there´s a nearby campground with it´s own pool!

Talk to you soon!


At 5:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kaila. St. Sebastian looks (and sounds) like a beautiful place. The Lynch Harts headed off to Australia a few hours ago. Well, they'll be in Vancouver for a few days first. Your mom drove them out to the airport in their van and brought it back here not long ago. Mary, inspired by you and Tim, has started a blog as well. Here's the link: Hope you catch up on your sleep.

At 8:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a beuatiful picture. I can appreciate you're being cautious about leaving your gear unattended. Oh well maybe some safe haven will let you spend some time not guarding the baggage.


At 3:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kaila and Tim
Ask where the Salvation Army store is or where the Saint Vincent de Saint Paul store is. They have lots of blankets and sweaters for really cheap. That way when you don't want to carry something around anymore (when you head "south" to a warmer country), you can just give it to another camper who is heading "north" to colder countries. The Salvation Army stores in Switzerland were awesome and had down comforters for 2-5 dollars and Chanel suits for 10 dollars (in case you are looking for a Chanel skirt and blazer!)
I tried to print off your last 2 days of blogs for Vince and Elizabeth to enjoy but the printer is not working. I did print a LOT of photos from Justine's site a couple of days ago and Vince and Elizabeth loved seeing the photos of all of you (four).
love from laura


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