Tuesday, August 2

San Sebastian

So we made it to Spain. The overnight train was anything but fun. It was loud and uncomfortable and the seats didn´t even recline. Tim had the window which meant that I didn´t even have anywhere to lean against (except him every once in a while) so I didn´t exactly get very much sleep. We arrived in Irún at about 6:30am with plans on finding out what there was to do there. However, Irún was kind of scary and we couldn´t find a tourist information place (which we needed to find a camp site) so we decided to get on the next train and go to San Sebastian like we had orginally planned. San Sebastian is WAY better than Irún :-) When we got here it was still only about 7:30 and the tourist info place doesn´t open until 9 so it was another LONG wait. I was about as tired as I have been when I pulled all-nighters at school, and it wasn´t fun. Once the tourist place opened it was easy to find a camp site and take a bus out to it.

After waiting in a line to get a site, it was time to test out our new tent! And boy was it tested! Just as we were getting it out to set up, it was starting to rain. I was so worried that it wouldn´t be waterproof and we´d spend the next 3 days soaking wet, but luckily the way the tent works you set up the fly before the rest of the tent so everything stayed relatively dry and the tent passed!! By this point it was around 11am and I still hadn´t really slept at all. I managed to get a little sleep, but the rain stopped pretty much as soon as we had the tent set up so by 1 or 2 the sun beating down on the tent was making it like a sauna. Still no sleep for Kaila :-( I wasted time a little while waiting for Tim to wake up. The campground we´re at has an AWESOME view! It´s on a mountain making it a good view for most people but boy am I glad we´re staying at the top! It´s a long, steep walk up from the bottom sites.

Tim woke up around 4pm and we decided to head back into San Sebastian to see what we could find. But being 5pm and not having had a real meal or any real sleep doesn´t really make me want to go be a tourist or really do antyhing at all. We found a little food (despite the fact that most restaurants don´t serve food at this time of day. They have lunch in the early afternoon and then don´t eat supper until it get´s dark so most restaurants close their kitchen in the late afternoon-early evening) and then found this internet place. We´re going to go to the supermarket to stock up on food for back at the campsite and then call it an early night. I can´t wait for the sun to go down so that I can finally get some sleep!

I´m really looking forward to the next couple of days because from what I´ve been given from the tourist office and the views I´ve already seen, this area of Spain is really spectacular. I think tomorrow we might explore San Sebastian a little and then going to go find some nature (maybe). At this point we´re thinking that we´ll go west along the coast next and find another place to camp on the way to Portugal where we think we´re going to go to Porto (not as big as Lisbon).

I hope everyone at home is doing well! I´m jealous of all of my family who have gotten to see all sorts of pictures that I haven´t! :-P

Until next time!


At 8:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

find out if there's famous archaoegoly or history to see. Like caveman sites, or Celts, something really old. I'm guessing the most recent thousand years will be the obvious tourist spots.
Todd here at work was saying Rennes has one of the most famous cathedrals anywhere, but you've probably seen so much of that that it's getting blase. From Graham's photos Rome's buildings, sculptures etc look amazing.

Much love. Find a blanket, don't forget your sunscreen.
How's your Spanish doing. I'm guessing you would have been almost comfortable in French.


At 11:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's so weird that they don't even serve food at 5. Even here we can eat lunch at 2pm if we want (which I often do). I guess it makes it more unique there. haha.

At 3:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kaila, Just think of it as good practice for those nights on call, medicine will seem easy after times like this (and it is!) I am hoping to set up an Australia blog if I can figure out how to do it. Love Mary


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