Saturday, August 6

Siesta sucks

Well, I suppose for the people who actually rest during siesta it wouldn´t suck, but for us who are used to actually doing stuff between 1 and 5 it gets kind of frustrating. Right now we´re in Bilbao, trying to make our way to Portugal, but the train station doesn´t even sell tickets during fiesta so we´re stuck here until at least 4:30. So in the mean time, here I am so I´ll update everyone one what we´ve been up to.

We left San Sebastian a few days ago and headed west to Deba (still in Basque Country). It was a lot of waiting around for trains and buses and stuff, but we finally made it to a camp site that was near the beach. It was a lot smaller than the last campsite, but basically just a big field where everyone sets up their tents instead of having actual sites. But that was okay. I liked it! The first day there (it´s actually called Saturraran) we went to the beach and went swimming. It was a pretty nice beach. The biggest difference from home was that there were fish (and not tiny things) that kept jumping out of the water super near to where we were swimming! I´m not scared of fish or anything, but seeing as the biggest fish that usually get anywhere near me are minnows, it freaked me out a little!

After swimming we headed into a town we could see, which we found out later was called Ondarroa. It was pretty tiny and built on pretty much a cliff. Once again, we got annoyed at siesta becaue nothing was open! So we waited around and wandered for a while until stuff started opening again. The town was centered around a river that was pretty normal looking, but had HUGE fish everywhere! Okay, maybe not huge, but I´d say about 2 feet long and they were literally EVERYWHERE and just sort of hanging out right by the surface! I´ve never seen anything like it.

Turns out the only place to use the internet there was this one computer that was free, but you were only supposed to use it for 15 mintues. Hence me not having updated in the last couple of days. After a quick check of emails, we stopped at the supermarket for supper and then back to the campground. We spent the evening there playing cards and just sort of hanging out. We go to bed a lot earlier now that we´re camping because there isn´t really anythign to do once it gets dark out.

Next morning we slept in and then did laundry which we hung to try on clothes lines that we had made attached to our tent. It looked really funny :-P (We took a picture of it so you can all see it later). The lady at the reception told us about a trail that went up one of the mountains where there was a church and a pretty view at the top, so we decided to try to find it. We searched for about an hour and found a pear orchard, someones garden and greenhouse and some goats before we gave up. Then, on the way back to the campground, we found it! It was a LONG, STEEP walk up, but the view at the top didn´t disappoint. It was a spectacular panorama with mountains and a bay surrounded by cliffs. I can´t wait to see the picutres!

After our hike, we were both pretty worn out. We spent the ramainder of the day/evening lazing around, napping, playing cards and a little fooseball. We went to bed even earlier than the night before!

This morning we were planning on letting our tent dry out before packing it up but at about 9:45 we realized that if we didn´t catch the 10:15 bus we were going to have to wait until 1:15. So we got up and rushed to pack eveything up and just barely made it. We took the bus back to Deba and then the train here to Bilbao. Now here we are waiting, like I said at the beginning. We´re hoping we can get an overnight train to Portugal, but if we can´t we´re going to stay here for a night and head out early tomorrow. In the mean time I guess we´ll just wander the city and see what we can find!

That´s all for now!


At 1:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Kaila!

everything sounds amazing as usual! I actually haven't heard of many of the places you've been too haha guess that's my lack of culture here in hickville haha. I hope someday I can go see all of this too! (And I'll be kidnapping you to be my guide!)

Love you and miss you :)



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