Thursday, September 15

Hi there!

I know I haven't posted pictures on here yet, but I promise they're coming soon. To do that I have to get on the computer behind the reception/bar which is usually taken by whoever's working there. Even though I'm still on the other computer, I thought I would update a little anyways. My time here has been great so far. Pretty laid back, but still a lot of fun. For the first about 6 nights I was on night shift every single day, but now I'm starting to get used to it. I just had to get the hang of sleeping whenever I get time and being awake when I have to. And I sort of like being up until 4am every night because that's when people at home tend to be on the computer so I've gotten to talk to quite a few people :-) The weather here is starting to get more like fall (it actually reminds me a lot of Nova Scotia weather), so I haven't spent a lot of time at the beach, but we did have a couple really nice days when I got to hang out on the beach some, go swimming and play a little beach volleyball :-) Today, even though it's not very nice out, I took my soccer ball out to the beach and juggled for a while. It was fun, but doesn't really compare to the real game :-) A couple of the local girls here have said they'll take me out and teach me how to surf which would definately be cool!

Other than that it's been pretty quiet around here. I guess now that the summer is over it's going to be really quiet during the week and will pick up on the weekends. Tonight is Amanda's last night, so there's a sort of going away party for her. And luckily, I don't have to do nightshift because it's my first day off! Yay!!! In the next couple of days I'm on cleaning duty, which is okay, but what makes it better is that when I'm done (because it's so quiet it definately won't take the 5 hours its supposed to) I'm going to start getting trained on reception!

Anyways, in less exciting news, I've started my applications to medical schools (just UofT and Dal) and it's not so bad but a bit of a pain. Filling out all my information and getting references is the easy part. What I'm NOT looking forward to is having to list ALL my activities since age 16 including having a verifier's contact for each one. UGH!! But I'm getting through it (the free access to internet helps a lot) and soon enough I'll be done and won't have to worry about it until interviews :-)

Anyways, that's all for now! I promise I'll post some pictures soon.
Dui! (what Dutch people say all the time... translates approximately into 'see ya!')


At 6:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Kaila
Your settling in there for a while sounds great after all that travel, so keep enjoying it. Getting a little cooler here to. If I was there I'd be tempted to head back to Spain or something for a little more warm weather.
Brother Doug and Tom Moss come for a golf visit next week. Other than that (and what you hear from your Mom and Tim) things are all just normal around here.

At 8:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Kaila! :)

Miss you so much around here! When I hear you mention applications it makes me cringe haha. Soooo glad that I don't really have to do that this year haha, unless I do apply to Waterloo for Optometry.. but we all know I'm screwed up and suck at making decisions haha. Anyway, keep on having a blast :)

Love Katie

At 2:36 PM, Blogger Kaila said...

I spelt dui wrong... it's actually spelt doei.


At 1:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kaila, When are you going to write your essays for your med school application to Dal? We definitely don't want to let U of T have you, Nova Scotia needs you! Love Mary


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