Friday, October 14

Hi there! Long time no see!

So I don't think I have a lot to say, but since it's been about 2 weeks since my last update, I thought I would try to write something. The last 2 weeks have been fun, but pretty uneventful. The Under the Sea party went well. I pretty much did all the preparations for it (decorating this place was lots of fun) and it turned out really well! I ended up going as a lobster :-P Unfortunately, the only digital camera around here was actually in Poland at the time, so I don't have any pictures :-( Since then, I've been doing lots of reception and bar work, which is awesome. I'm still pretty bad with knowing what music I want to play (because I'm bad at knowing music in general) but I'm getting better by leaps and bounds plus there's always someone around to help me out. Wednesday night was my busiest night on bar I'd ever had: there were some 30 astronomy (? maybe) students staying here for a night before they headed to Japan for a conference, who were all in the bar drinking. It got a little stressful at times, but overall it was awesome! Hopefully I'll start being given busier nights more often soon.

What else have I been up to? Last week on my day off I went for a 3 hour bike ride, which was great. I went all along the shore through the sand dunes for about an hour and a half, and they're beautiful. When I got 6.2km from Den Haag (a.k.a The Hague) which is I think over 20 km from where I live, I thought about going all the way there (because what's 6.2km??) until I thought about it and realized that wherever I turned around would only be HALF my trip and thought better of it. So I turned inland and headed back through towns and along highways and stuff. It wasn't nearly as scenic, but kind of cool to learn a little about what there is around me. I even passed the Frog park which is an amusement park of sorts. It looked a little bit for kids, but still fun :-) I think I might check it out sometime in the near future. By the time I got home, I was EXHAUSTED (I think I probably biked 30-35km) but satisfied. I've missed doing active things since I've been here.

I can't really think of any other stories to tell... the beach here still reminds me of the ones in Nova Scotia. It's now pretty much too cold to swim (although I'm still not ruling out a swim just to say I did it :-P) but it's gorgeous and the sunsets are great! Steve (a co-worker) has promised me that he'll get his soccer ball pumped up in the near future at which point we're going to go play on the beach. I also want to go check out a soccer game of some sort. I can go into Den Haag, which is the closest professional team around, or I might just go check out the Noordwijk team which as I understand it might be similar to the prmier league at home, but I won't really know until I go check it out.

So it's pretty relaxed around here. I missed not being at home for Thanksgiving, especially since there were so many people visiting from away (Griffen looks SO cute! I wish I could have been there), but I got to phone and talk to a bunch of people which was great. I'm still waiting for a box full of my clothes to arrive which I'm hoping will show up soon because I'm REALLY getting sick of my 5 shirts and might have to splurge and but something new :-P

That's all for now! I hope people still check this even though I haven't updated in forever!
Talk to you soon!


At 11:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


The bike ride sounds awesome! Except i think i would make it 1.2 Km then decide it would be best to turn around hahaha.

nothing exciting to report here!

Love Katie

At 1:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We ckeck it every (other)day just to see what you are up to. Spent the weekend watching Andreas at the u14 nats in mucton in the rain.Did find some time to eat bird and pie at your house in WW. Griffen is qute the boy.
Love from Dartmouth Hart's

At 6:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We all missed you at thanksgiving, but you didn't miss much, it rained the whole time blahh
I have been so crazily busy that I haven't read your blog much (not that that's any excuse I know...bad Justine *hits self*) but I was reading through it now and it is making me Europe-sick (like homesick, except for Europe!!) Especially the picture of me on the mountain, and of you & tim in the alps...

when I think about it now it seems so unreal, like I dreamed it, or something. I wish In was with you!!


At 9:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Kaila
Great to see an update. A few colored tree shots this weekend but I've been deleting things off my work computer so nothing to send you.
I guess I'll have to get going on my own none-govt computer gear since I'd drive your mom nuts borrowing hers.
The Aussie/Euro friend of Tim's/yours came and left before I even had a chance to say gday.


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