Friday, September 30

Party Pictures

Okay, I've had quite a few people enquire about where these so called pictures are, so I'm finally going to put them up here (mostly because I'm on morning reception when there isn't a whole lot to do). Tim, Phil and I at the jungle party. Yes I realize they don't look very jungle-y, but it was still fun to dress up.
Here's a picture where you can see my 'costume'. See the brown arms? I'm a monkey of course! (I also had a tail). The other people you can see in the picture are staff, most of whom aren't here anymore.
Aaron with his Orange nose. He was on the shuttle to Amsterdam with us the next morning and the orange wouldn't wash off. He had to spend the entire day in Amsterdam with an orange nose. Haha. He was still here until a couple of days ago, but is now also gone.
Who is that crazy pirate?? I can't be related to him...
Pixie Party! This is the costume that Amanda (also gone now) and I fashioned out of lost and found clothes and olds curtains. No sewing involved.

A guest and my first attempt at face painting. I wasn't too impressed with my artistic abilities (or lack thereof) but he seemed happy enough to be a prom queen with a purple beard of sorts. Amazingly enough though, I did get better at face painting (I don't have any pictures of the other jobs I did)
A closer picture of Amanda and my face painting. We didn't really know what pixies looked like... this is what we came up with.
This won't mean much to most of you, but for Tim, who met both Chris and Aaron before they had mohauks. Aaron (left) only kept his for about a week, but Chris (middle) still has his, and as you'll see in the next picture, it made for a very good troll costume :-)

A few of the people I work with. Chris (as a troll), Renzo and Jasmijn (I'm not really sure what she was, but she's awesome at doing her own face painting!)

At the beginning of the night we put out a blank canvass and left paints and brushes out. This is what we ended up with. I thought it worked out well! Quite the mural... can you see the fork that someone stuck to it?

That's all for now. Things are going well. Tonight is the next party: Under the sea! So when I get off work at 2 I'm going to be getting this place all decorated up and then trying to sort out some sort of costume. We aren't very many staff right now but we're still going to throw a GREAT party!



At 1:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kaila, Excellent photos, it looks like you are all having so much fun. Am I correct in assuming these folks are from all over the place? I am definitely going to tease Tim about the Bluebeard, HA! Love that troll! Love Mary

At 12:14 PM, Blogger Kaila said...

Yup! We're definately from all over the world. Right now there's only 5 us working here: 2 Canadians, 2 Aussies and a Kiwi (plus the locals). There tend to be the most of those because it's pretty easy for us to get visas, but I know in the summer there were at least Irish, American and Asian (I don't know where from) also.


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