Wednesday, August 24

Noordwijk, Holland


Bet you didn't think I'd still be here :-P So this hostel is absolutely amazing and we've all fallen in love with it. Noordwijk isn't a big place and there really isn't a whole lot to do, but the atmosphere is the best of any hostel I've been in in Europe. The entire staff are people that are working for room and board so they live here and are always hanging out and are really really friendly. Every morning we wake up and decide that we want to spend another day. I think my favorite part is making friends that I get to see again the next day (or even the day after that!!). It's a nice change from meeting people for 2, 3, 4 hours and then never again. It's also a really nice change of pace, especially after the music festival. We've been spending our days hanging out on the beach and playing mini-golf and our nights hanging out with the staff and other hostellers (and also some night time swims). We also eat supper with the staff, which is a lot of fun. For 6 euros they'll just make enough for you as well (since they all live here and eat here anyways) They claim there are only 8 of them but I swear more than half the people I've met while here are staff. A bunch of them were at the same festival as me and Tim which is awesome!! It seems everyone likes it as much as us. But how could you not?

Anyways, we have yet to decide if/when we're leaving here. Tim has to be back in Amsterdam in about 4 days, so if we go somewhere, it can't be too far away. Maybe somewhere in Germany close by, but who knows: we could just end up hanging out here and relaxing for the whole time.

Tune in later to find out where I am :-)


At 12:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Kaila!

The festival sounds like it was an amazing time! I'm really getting jealous of you! haha. Hope your time in Holland is relaxing, sounds like it has been already. I sent a card/letter to your parents house with a grad picture in it for you, I figured that was the only place to send it haha so I have no idea when you'll get it, the letter may no longer make sense haha. Anyway, this is a super long comment so I'll end it now, have fun!! miss you!

Katie xxoo

PS, I got your postcard! Sooo beautiful!

At 2:12 PM, Blogger LynchHartsinOz said...

Kaila, Yes we all want to know where you will go next so keep us posted. ALso I have no idea where all the anonymous comments came from on our blog, you don't seem to get any so it may have been the title with snakes in it or something. Anyway we are following your trip with interest so keep the postings coming. Love Mary

At 9:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Kaila
Enjoy, but here's a reminder: Serious floods in Central Europe/Alps so check before you head there. Of course you probably already know that.


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