Sunday, August 7

Porto? Barcelona?

They´re the same aren´t they? Haha, or they could be on complete opposite coasts of the Iberian peninsula. So last you heard we were in Bilbao waiting to get a train to Porto. Unfortunately the only train leaving Bilbao all day was to Barcelona. So we figured, why not? So off to Barcelona we went!

Oh wait, I forgot something. We had about 6 hours to waste in Bilbao and I saw a pamphlet in the tourist info place for an aquarium, so I decided we should go :-) It was AWESOME! It wasn´t all that big, around 25 tanks with different stuff but the stuff in it was pretty cool. Way cooler than all the stuff I got to play with on my field course. Octopi, lots of corals and some Nemo´s too! But the best part was the guy that owned it. He didn´t speak very much english but pretty much as soon as we got there he came to us and started explaining all sorts of different things about the different tanks (or at least, as much as he could). It was super, super cool. I think he liked me because I showed so much enthusiasm :-) Way to be a biology nerd! After we had seen all the tanks, he brought Tim and I back in behind the big coral tank and let us see how it all works and everything! I loved it!

Anyways, after that awesome sidetrack, we got on our night train to Barcelona. We were in a room with a couple of people off of a Breaker High! Well, not really, because it was only for 2 months and was actually university credits, but still pretty cool. I would love to get credit for cruising all over the world!! It was a much better night train than the last because of them and because we actually had beds (although we did get woken up in the middle of the night because we were in the wrong beds, but whatever).

We arrived in Barcelona this mornign and haven´t really done a whole lot. We found a campsite and set up our tent. I don´t like it as much as the other places we´ve been staying. It´s more crowded, sort of like a mini resort, but it´s okay. I like the swimming pool! We cooled off in the pool, had showers and then headed back into Barcelona to book trains for the rest of our Spanish excursions. We wanted to stay here a couple of nights and then head to Seville and Madrid, but all the trains to Seville are booked, so after a couple of nights here we´re heading to Madrid. Then we´re there for a couple nights and have to come back to Barcelona for a couple hours before heading to Lyon, France. We´re hoping to go to Chamonix and spend our last few nights before the music festival in the Alps :-) I can´t believe that the festival is so close! That´s almost the end of Tim´s trip which means the end of my travelling and the beginning of me having to survive in Europe by myself. Eek!! Although I guess it´s not really THAT close. Tim doesn´t leave for another 3 weeks or so.

Anyways, I gotta run, I don´t have a lot of time. Tomorrow I´m hoping to spend a while on the internet so I can answer all the emails I haven´t gotten a chance to for the last couple of weeks.
Until then!!


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