Tuesday, August 16

Moms are GREAT!

The Alps are absolutely AMAZING! I could stay here for weeks... maybe even months :-) Yesterday it still wasn't very nice out, but we decided to go for a hike anyways. We hiked up about 650 vertical meters up to the glacier and it was super super cool. Tim and Evan (a guy from Montana that we met along the way) decided to go across the scree type valley thing so that they could actually touch the glacier, but I wasn't quite so stupid. They survived though, so all is well with the world. That hike took us about 5 hours or so (including lots of stops to enjoy the views).

Last night, for the first time since we started camping, I didn't wake up even ONCE until after the sun came up and it was all because of my Mom :-) I love my new sleeping bag, it's AWESOME.

Today was our only really really nice day since we've gotten here. We got up early to pack up our tent and stuff and headed out. We took a gondola and a cable car up about 1500 vertical meters where we got the most spectacular view of Mt. Blanc and lots of other mountains that I don't remember the name of. I really can't explain it, but it's the most spectacular views I've ever seen. From the top we hiked down. I never really realized that walking downhill was so much work, but now, 4 hours later I'm exhausted and my feet are sore. It was definately worth it though. Absolutely amazing. Now it's just a matter of getting our bags, grabbing some food and taking the overnight train to Paris and then off to Rotterdam! It's going to be GREAT.

I know I didn't write very much today, but believe me, this place is amazing. I can't wait until the winter when I get to come back and actually go skiing on it!!



At 9:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Kaila!

The Alps sound amazing!! Not sure about the skiing though... seeing as I have never gone skiing before in my life I probably would not be able to appreciate it haha. Anyway, it's nice to know you have a sleeping bag now and we don't have to worry about you freezing to death at night haha. Enjoy the rest of your trip!

At 12:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, Moms are the greatest, and Tom agrees. We are in Daintree tropical rainforest at present and send our love to you and Tim. Our challenge is to avoid the man eating crocs (not kidding). Hopefully you will receive further comments from us after our safari tomorrow. One thing we do not have to worry about is being warm at night, but we are very glad you are warm!Love Mary , Tom and the girls


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