Monday, September 5

Back to Holland


I've had a great week, but it's time to get off on my own and start supporting myself. This weekend Steph, Pia and I had an awesome time! On Friday we all went to the hairdressers so that Steph and I could get our hair cut. I was long overdue for a haircut, but it was pretty traumatic considering I've been getting my hair cut at the same place for my entire life, never once having een anywhere else. It was entirely too expensive, and I have yet to get used to how short it is, but I think it worked out okay. I'll show pictures when I get them :-) After the hairdressers, we went to the Sudhouse for supper, which is the restaurant that Steffi (Pia's mom) owns. It's sort of strange being able to go into a restaurant, order whatever you want and not have to pay, but it works for me! It was really good! And Steph knows most of the people there. They were all very friendly and talked to us as much as they could depending on their english skills.

Saturday was a little more exciting because we got to check out the Ludwigsburg castle which is the second biggest baroque castle in Europe (behind Versailles). I'm pretty sure no one was very impressed with the fact that we brought a 7 month old baby when we first arrived but Pia was soooo good and by the end everyone loved her! It was a great tour and I could almost imagine what it was like to live there in those days. Although I don't know what it's like to have 600 servants in something that's just your summer home!

Saturday was also exciting because I got my pictures back!!! Yay!!! I'm working on getting them on the internet so I can share them with everyone, and as soon as I do, you'll know. Sunday was pretty laid back. We played with Pia, cleaned up the house and just sort of relaxed.

This morning I'm up early and all packed. Steph has the next couple of days off, so she's going to come into Stuttgart with me this morning and explore. I'm taking the 2pm train heading to Amsterdam where I'll stay for the night before heading back to the beach hostel.

It's time to get dressed and head out now, but I'll be sure to let everyone updated on my whereabouts. Good luck to everyone that's starting school soon whether it's somewhere new or back at Acadia (or neither)!


At 8:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

your post is on the sept 5 and here its not ever monday yet, crazy! I'm just heading to bed on sunday night, and I guess its monday morning already there! sounds like an awesome time with steph, I miss you guy both lots! but as long as you guys managed to have a great time. Isn't crazy that people are going back to school now, where did time go! anyway, not really a very exciting comment from me today, but its been a while since I read your posts so I thought I would just say hi, and that all is good, and sounds like its great there too. Keep up the good travelling!
miss you bunches

At 4:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooohh heading out on your own!! Good luck with it all and keep on having a blast! I'll be thinking of you having a great time in Europe while I'm in class..... haha :)

Love you and miss you!

Katie :)

At 12:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kaila I just looked at your pictures and they are AMAZING!!!!

Miss you!

Love Katie

At 10:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kaila, Beautiful shots! I realize how much I have missed by not checking in more frequently, I will try to be better about it, it is so much fun to hear what you have been up to and the photos are wonderful. I hope to get some time this weekend to figure out how to post some shots on our blog. In the meantime keep posting and we will keep reading. Congrats on the job! Love, Mary


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