Saturday, September 10

The Flying Pig


I've been here for a couple of days now, so I thought I would update everyone on what it's like. So far, it's a lot of work. I think mostly because they are so short on staff, I'm needed to do the night shift (every night so far) but then I also have to get trained on how to do other jobs. my first night on night shift was easy as pie. I start work at 2am and by about 4 I was done all my duties and could sleep until the end of my shift (8:30) on the sofa or in the lounging area. At 8:30 I get woken up by the person doing breakfast and I can just go down to my bed and keep sleeping. Yesterday I got to sleep until about noon at which point I shared the cleaning (and got trained how to do it).

After cleaning, we had to start preparing for the Enchanted Forest Pixie Party! It's still technically working, but it was fun! Amanda (the only other girl staff member at the moment) and I fashioned pixie outfits out of old curtains, sheets and lost and found clothes. Then we got our faces all facepainted and we were ready for the party! I like being staff and getting as many people as possible involved in the festivities :-) I even got to work on my creativity doing some facepainting.

The party was lots of fun, but working night shift afterwards wasn't so much. As opposed to the first night when the bar was empty at closing time anyways, the bar was still very, very full at 2am as well as all the decorations makes for tougher cleaning. I was up until about 6:30am, at which point I fell asleep even though I wasn't completely done everything. It wasn't all bad though, because even after all the guests had gone to bed, a few of the staff members were up and kept me company the whole time :-) I even got to take a little break around 4am and went swimming :-)

8:30am this morning came entirely too quickly. I was supposed to be trained on breakfast then because I have to do it by myself tomorrow, but I was way too tired so I just went to bed. Amanda just had to show me where some stuff is when I did get up. I don't think it'll be too hard :-)

So yeah, I guess I've basically just been working nonstop since I got here, but it's still a lot of fun and I'm really liking the people. In a couple weeks I think I get to start getting trained to do reception and/or bartending which will be awesome. I moved from the dorm to the staff room yesterday, but I haven't really had a chance to unpack at all and really have barely even slept there since I've been on night shift every night. Everyone here just went to the beach but I think I'm going to take the afternoon to get settled in a little and maybe get a little more sleep.

So I think that's about it. There are lots of people here with digital cameras so I'll try to post some of them (like me as a pixie :-) soon.


At 2:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kaila
Sounds like fun. And you'll probably have cleaning up down to a science by the time you get back here. Right??
Guessing you have a home front update from Mom and Tim so I'll sign off for now


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