Wednesday, September 7

Here they are, finally! I had to be really, really selective on which ones I put on here. Hre are 11 pictures that are either my favorites or depict a favorite part of my trip thus far. There are a bunch of things I've done (like Lowlands and my time at the flying pig) that I don't have any pictures of because other people were taking the pictures. I'm hoping to get those at some point and I'll add them to my online album. If you have time you can go look at all 137 of my pictures by clicking here. Here it goes!

This is my favorite picture from the catacombs because it's dark and creepy, exactly like the catacombs! Those are real skulls lined up between piles of other real bones (mostly leg bones I think).
The Nice beach: how amazing is that color? I didn't swim in it much because I was sunburnt from being in St. Raphael, but with water like that I was just happy to sit in the shade enjoying the beach and reading my book :-)

One of the islands off of Venice where we went to see glass blowing. my picture of the person actually making stuff out of glass didn't turn out, but the islands were really cute, as you can see!
Justine posing in front of the view we got in Fiesole. We had been spending entirely too much time in cities and this little break was exactly what we needed! I think it was probably my first really gorgeous view of the trip (although the picture doesn't really do it justice, as usual)
On the ferry to Greece. That's Graham there admiring it. It was probably the best part of the ferry trip. Except sleeping on the deck next to the puking turkish boy of course :-P

I like this one. I don't really know why... It's Justine taking pictures of Santorini from the top of the mountain where we ended up after going up the craziest cobblestone, switchback road ever. As you can tell from her skirt, it was VERY windy up there.

A picture perfect view of San Sebastian. I'm so happy with how this turned out! I think this is the view we had when we walked up one of the mountains that are on either side of the bay.

This is how Tim and I lived for about 3 weeks :-) It was a lot of fun!

This is how I slept in the Alps before my mother got me a sleeping bag :-) I think I have about 3/4 of the clothes I brought with me on.

Hands down my favorite picture and right up there for my favorite moment in the whole 2 months. Believe it or not, the view was even more spectacular than the picture shows. I could live off ham and brie baguettes forever :-)

How we lived for 4 nights at the Lowlands festival :-) In this picture you might be able to see about a quarter of one of the campsites. There were 7 of them. I wish I had some pictures of the shows themselves, but we only took Tim's camera into the festival: it's less bulky.

Anyways, that's all for the pictures. It was really hard to choose which ones to show, but I think those give a good idea of some of what I've been up to.

Now for what I'm up to now :-) I ended up spending 2 nights in Amsterdam, which was scary at first because it was my first nights completely on my own, but it turned out really really well. I met lots of cool people in my hostel and during the day I kind of relaxed and also checked out the Anne Frank House which we missed on our first time through. This morning I got up early and headed to the beach. Everyone here remembered me and within an hour I had a job :-) I have an appointment to get my work visa tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow night I'm on the night shift. Exciting!!

Of the 9 or so staff that worked here when Tim, Phil and I were here, 3 or 4 of them have left (mostly because they were just staying for the summer). But there's still 4 of them that are here and one guy who has just started too. (Tim/Phil: Chris and Aaron both now have mohawks :-P)I'm really looking forward to having a 'home' and hopefully making some new friends :-) I told Jos (the boss) that I would like to stay until December (when I go to the alps) but it's all volunteer, and so if I'm not liking it I can leave whenever I want. If I do like it though, it will be nice to stay for a while because I'll get better jobs like bartending and driving instead of just cleaning and breakfast.

Anyways, I guess that's all for now! I hope you enjoyed my pictures!!!!



At 6:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great Pictures Kaila.
Tim has a CD of his at home but I haven't spent the time to look at them yet
The Rolling Stones show in Moncton was great, as Norah's already told you. I really liked the Maroon s as well.

Much Love

At 8:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are right, Kaila, the one of you and Tim on top of the mountain is award material. I'm so glad you shared it with us all. Hugs, C, J and K

At 10:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great shots. I especially liked the one of Justine in Fiesole. Such joie de vivre. But then I'm biased. Tom


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